Exports (server)


Returns the position of a single vehicle.

Parameters: playerId - int - The player id of the player that owns the vehicle. vehicleNetId - int - The vehicle network id. newPlate - string - The new license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success.

local success = exports["VehicleRegistration"]:ChangePlate(playerId, vehicleNetId, newPlate)


Get the full history of all plate changes from a player.

Parameters: playerId - int - The player id of the player that owns the vehicle. vehicleNetId - int - The vehicle network id. newPlate - string - The new license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: dictionary<string, table<modelHash: int, oldPlate: string, date: string, ownerName: string>> - List of all plate changes with the current plate as index.

local history = exports["VehicleRegistration"]:GetFullHistory(playerId)
for plate, data in pairs(history) do
    print("model hash:", data.modelHash)
    print("old plate:", data.oldPlate)
    print("date:", data.date)
    print("owner name:", data.ownerName)


Get the history of a specific player's plate.

Parameters: playerId - int - The player id of a player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: table<table<oldPlate: string, date: string, ownerName: string>> - List of all plate changes from the specified plate.

local history = exports["VehicleRegistration"]:GetHistory(playerId, plate)
for i = 1, #history do
    print("old plate:", history[i].oldPlate)
    print("date:", history[i].date)
    print("owner name:", history[i].ownerName)


Get the history of a specified plate.

Parameters: plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: table<table<oldPlate: string, date: string, ownerName: string>> - List of all plate changes from the specified plate.

local history = exports["VehicleRegistration"]:GetPlateHistory(plate)
for i = 1, #history do
    print("old plate:", history[i].oldPlate)
    print("date:", history[i].date)
    print("owner name:", history[i].ownerName)

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