Exports (client)


Gets the vehicles deformation in a table.

Parameters: vehicle - number - The handle of the vehicle.

Returns: table<table<offset: vector3, damage: number>> - List of offsets from the vehicle and the relative damage.

SetVehicleDeformation(vehicle, deformation)

Sets the deformation on a vehicle.

Parameters: vehicle - number - The handle of the vehicle. deformation - table<table<offset: vector3, damage: vector3>> - The deformation values.


Fixes the deformation of a vehicle.

Parameters: vehicle - number - The handle of the vehicle.

IsDeformationWorse(firstDeformation, secondDeformation)

Compares both deformation tables and returns if the first one is worse than the second.

Parameters: firstDeformation - table<table<offset: vector3, damage: number>> - The first deformation table. secondDeformation - table<table<offset: vector3, damage: number>> - The second deformation table.

Returns: bool - True if the first deformation is worse than the second one.

IsDeformationEqual(firstDeformation, secondDeformation)

Compares both deformation tables and returns if they are equal.

Parameters: firstDeformation - table<table<offset: vector3, damage: number>> - The first deformation table. secondDeformation - table<table<offset: vector3, damage: number>> - The second deformation table.

Returns: bool - True if both deformation tables are equal.


Returns all offsets for a specified vehicle

Parameters: vehicle - number - The handle of the vehicle.

Returns: table<vector3> - A table containing all offsets around a vehicle.

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