Frequently Assessed QEDs

Explanation for controls / key mappings

The default controls are defined at the bottom of the config. You have a few possibilities here:

  • Change primary bindings by changing inputType and key.

  • Change secondary bindings by changing altInputType and altKey.

  • Remove a control entirely by commenting the whole section.

  • Remove only the secondary bindings by just commenting the altInputType and altKey lines.

Available input types and bindings can be found here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/

If you already started the resource and connected to the server once and then you decide to change the bindings, you will also have to do so ingame in the keybinding settings in the FiveM category. This also allows setting custom bindings for players.

Keys as Items


No, this is not possible.


VehicleKeyChain relies heavily on database usage and links several tables together using FOREIGN KEYs. This makes managing the data extremely easy and prevents any exploits or problems that can relate to items and managing them in the background. However this completely prevents the use of item metadata as there is no proper way to combine the two features.

Giving keys from client side


Most key exports are only available on server side to prevent any sort of exploits. This is why you cannot directly give a key to a player on client side.


I understand that you need an easy solution for this problem as 99% of scripts rely on client side, so here is a code snippet that you can insert into VKC's server.lua that allows giving a temporary key from client side:

RegisterNetEvent("addTempKey", function(plate)
    exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:AddTempKey(source, plate)

You can then trigger it from any client side script using the following event (replace PLATE_TEXT with the vehicle's plate):

TriggerServerEvent("addTempKey", PLATE_TEXT)

Database error on first script startup


When first starting the script, you are running into the following error:

errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed"


Make sure the columns users.identifier and owned_vehicles.plate in your database are set as a PRIMARY KEY (or another kind of key, e.g. UNIQUE). Then restart the script and the error should be gone.

Jaksam's JobCreator


JobCreator doesn't use the owned_vehicles table from ESX. Any job vehicles will not be recognized by VKC.


Insert the following code in VehicleKeyChain/server/server.lua line 874:

local jobCreatorResults = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll(
    [[SELECT `plate`
        FROM `jobs_garages`
        WHERE `identifier` = @owner;]],
        ["@owner"] = identifier
for i = 1, #jobCreatorResults do
    plates[jobCreatorResults[i].plate] = true

Insert the following code in VehicleKeyChain/server/server.lua line 512:

local isJobCreatorVehicle = MySQL.Sync.fetchScalar(
    [[SELECT COUNT(`plate`)
        FROM `jobs_garages`
        WHERE `identifier` = @owner and (`plate` = @plate OR `plate` = @trimmedPlate)]], 
        ["@owner"]          = identifier,
        ["@plate"]          = plate,
        ["@trimmedPlate"]   = Trim(plate)
) > 0
if (isJobCreatorVehicle) then
    return true
Should look like this

Last updated