VehicleClamp - Pre-Release
Immobilize vehicles using a real clamp!
Last updated
Immobilize vehicles using a real clamp!
Last updated
Forum topic - TBD
VehicleClamp allows you to attach wheel clamps to most ground vehicles. The clamps can be attached and detached by using the appropriate item or options can be added to e.g. your job menus or other systems by using the available client and server exports. A chat command is available for admins and other staff.
Just be close to the wheel you want to clamp. Use the item or your own implementation to attach it. Once attached you can still start the engine but the vehicle can't be driven anymore. The vehicle can still be moved by external force though, it is not frozen in place.
This script can be used as a standalone resource or together with your favorite framework. Check Integration for more information.
This resource is not 100% complete and will be developed over time.
During this period, customer feedback is highly encouraged.
Discount for early customers.
What's missing in this resource?
Additional 3D model for smaller/bigger wheels than average.
Attaching a clamp to inset rims can lead to the clamp clipping slightly into the wheel (only visual)
Clamp model sometimes appears flipped 180Β° (only visual)
Attaching a wheel clamp will prevent the vehicle from being driven.
Vehicle can still be moved by external force (e.g. pushed or towed by other vehicle).
Custom prop that adjusts to wheel size.
Clamps can be attached/detached using items, exports or administrative commands.
Uses state bags for synchronization between players.
Client side:
Idle: 0.00ms
In use: 0.00-0.02ms
Server side:
Idle: 0.00ms
In use: 0.00-0.01ms