Exports (server)


Add key(s) to a player using the player id and a plate.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:AddKey(playerId, plate, count)


Add key(s) to a player using the player's identifier and a plate.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:AddKeyUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate, count)


Add key(s) to a player using the player id and a plate and charge the player for it.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:BuyNewKey(playerId, plate, count)


Remove key(s) from the player using the player id and plate.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:RemoveKey(playerId, plate, count)


Remove key(s) from the player using the identifier and plate.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:RemoveKeyUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate, count)


Add a temporary key to the player using the player id and plate.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:AddTempKey(playerId, plate)


Add a temporary key to the player using the identifier and plate.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:AddTempKeyUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Remove a temporary key from a player using the player id and plate.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:RemoveTempKey(playerId, plate)


Remove a temporary key from a player using the identifier and plate.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:RemoveTempKeyUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Give key(s) from one player to another using their player ids.

Parameters: playerIdSender - string - The server side id of the player that should give the key. playerIdReceiver - string - The server side id of the player that should receive the key. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ChangeKeyOwner(playerIdSender, playerIdReceiver, plate, count)


Give key(s) from one player to another using their identifiers.

Parameters: identifierSender - string - The identifier of the player that should give the key. identifierReceiver - string - The identifier of the player that should receive the key. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. count - int - The number of keys to give.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ChangeKeyOwnerUsingIdentifier(identifierSender, identifierReceiver, plate, count)


Change the owner of a vehicle.

Parameters: playerIdSender - string - The server side id of the player that should give the key. playerIdReceiver - string - The server side id of the player that should receive the key. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ChangeVehicleOwner(playerIdSender, playerIdReceiver, plate)


Change the owner of a vehicle using their identifiers.

Parameters: identifierSender - string - The identifier of the player that should give the key. identifierReceiver - string - The identifier of the player that should receive the key. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ChangeVehicleOwnerUsingIdentifier(identifierSender, identifierReceiver, plate)


Removes all created keys with a specified plate and charges the player for it.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ExchangeLocks(playerId, plate)


Removes all created keys with a specified plate and charges the player for it.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True on success, false on failure.

local success = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:ExchangeLocksUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Removes all created keys with a specified plate.

Parameters: plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.



Check if a player is the owner of a vehicle.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isVehicleOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsVehicleOwner(playerId, plate)


Check if a player is the owner of a vehicle.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isVehicleOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsVehicleOwnerUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Check if a player is the owner of a key for a vehicle (excluding being the owner of the vehicle).

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. model - int - The model hash of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isKeyOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsKeyOwner(playerId, plate, model)


Check if a player is the owner of a key for a vehicle (excluding being the owner of the vehicle).

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isKeyOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsKeyOwnerUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Check if a player is the owner of a vehicle or its key.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle. model - int - The model hash of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsVehicleOrKeyOwner(playerId, plate, model)


Check if a player is the owner of a vehicle or its key.

Parameters: identifier - string - The identifier of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsVehicleOrKeyOwnerUsingIdentifier(identifier, plate)


Check if a player is the owner of a temporary key for a vehicle.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player. plate - string - The license plate text of a vehicle.

Returns: bool - True if player is owner.

local isTempKeyOwner = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:IsTempKeyOwner(playerId, plate)


Returns a list of all keys a player owns.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player.

Returns: table<table<string, int, int>> - List of keys with their plate, count and associated model.

local keys = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:GetPlayerKeys(playerId)
for i = 1, #keys do
	print("Plate:", keys[i][1])
	print("ModelHash:", keys[i][2])
	print("Count:", keys[i][3])


Returns a list of all vehicles a player owns.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player.

Returns: table<table<string, int>> - List of vehicles with their plate and model hash.

local vehicleList = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:GetPlayerVehicles(playerId)
for i = 1, #vehicleList do
	print("Plate:", vehicleList[i][1])
	print("ModelHash:", vehicleList[i][2])


Returns a list of all vehicles a player owns including the amount of keys.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player.

Returns: table<table<string, int, int>> - List of vehicles with their plate, model hash and key count.

local vehicleList = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:GetPlayerVehiclesAndKeyCount(playerId)
for i = 1, #vehicleList do
	print("Plate:", vehicleList[i][1])
	print("ModelHash:", vehicleList[i][2])
	print("Key count:", vehicleList[i][3])


Returns a list of all temporary keys a player owns.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player.

Returns: dictionary<string, int> - Plates associated with a model (or -1 if no model).

local tempKeys = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:GetPlayerTempKeys(playerId)
for plate, model in pairs(tempKeys) do
	print("Plate:", plate)
	print("Model:", model)


Returns both the results from GetPlayerVehicles and GetPlayerKeys.

Parameters: playerId - int - The server side id of the player.

Returns: table<table<string, int>> - List of vehicles with their plate and model hash. table<table<string, int, int>> - List of keys with their plate, count and associated model.

local vehicleList, keys = exports["VehicleKeyChain"]:GetPlayerVehiclesAndKeys(playerId)
for i = 1, #vehicleList do
	print("Plate:", vehicleList[i][1])
	print("ModelHash:", vehicleList[i][2])
for i = 1, #keys do
	print("Plate:", keys[i][1])
	print("ModelHash:", keys[i][2])
	print("Count:", keys[i][3])

Last updated