Updating resources

Making updates easy!

Our resources always come with a version checker that will notify you in your server console if there has been an update. It also contains information like patch notes, so make sure to read them even if they seem unimportant at first.

The keymaster site also shows you updates to resources that you have not yet downloaded with a NEW-badge next to them.

How to update properly

Most updates are simply drag'n'drop jobs and don't really require any attention by you. However keep in mind that simply overwriting files could potentially cause issues! It is always recommended to first backup your old version and then drag over the new version.

If you are simply overwriting existing files, remember that you might at least want to keep your config if you changed anything from the default values.

Updates that change anything in the config will mention this in the patch notes!


You can find your current version inside the fxmanifest.lua as three numbers separate by a dot. This is called "semantic versioning". Just by looking at version numbers you can already kind of see what happened in the last update.

In my resources the first number denotes the major version, the second number is the patch (or minor) version and the third number usually is reserved for fixes. major.patch.fix

  • Major version changes usually denote really big changes to a resource that might also be breaking backwards compatibility. Breaking changes will always be announced and might require you to do something specific. A major version can also contain patches and fixes.

  • Changes in the patch number usually relate to new features being implemented or existing things changed around. These should never be breaking. A patch can also contain fixes.

  • Changes in the fix number are usually only related to fixing issues like bugs or errors.

Last updated